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Ask any non-camper why they don 't fancy a tent or campervan and the answer will either be something to do with the weather or it 'll be worries about needing the loo. One weekend 's camping gave us three good reasons for having our own camping toilet.
A Basic Campsite without Facilities
A campsite pitch too far away from the toilet block to make a night-time trip all that convenient. Waking up too desperate for a wee to put some clothes on and dash to the toilets Wild camping close to a road where it wouldn 't have been possible to use a bush discreetly And you can add to the list a few other eventualities such as busy loos in peak season and nasty loos at festivals. Of course, it 's always better to try to use the facilities provided because, unless you 're carrying a portable composting loo, all other options aren 't environmentally ideal.
Going to the toilet the natural way! Going to the toilet in the wild requires some work.
You need to be 50 metres away from water and you need to dig a hole at least 15cm deep. You must cover your doings completely with earth and must put toilet roll or wipes into your rubbish bag.
Portable Toilets
Portable perhaps, but too bulky for most campers. These are for caravans, motorhomes and larger campervans without built-in toilets. Some even flush.
UPDATE: Never have so many people wanted a camping toilet. I 'm afraid you 'll find many of these chemical toilets go out of stock very quickly. They do reappear from time to time, but consider one of the simpler options.
The Simple Toilet Bucket Option
Put some water in these and they 're good to go! Just empty into a toilet or camping waste point.
There are bin liners you could use, but most of these aren 't biodegradable, so you 'll be adding to the world 's mountains of plastic waste. If you must use bags, make sure they 're properly BIOdegradable. Some people suggest using cat litter instead of a liquid. The problem is that it can 't be composted or flushed, so will just have to be put in a rubbish bin. The alternative is an absorbent powder that soaks up fluids and instantly turns to gel. Again, though, it 's headed for a bin.
It 's better to half-fill the bucket with water and then you can dispose of the whole lot down a normal loo or motorhome waste point when you reach civilisation.
For porta-loos, you 'll need a toilet fluid These fluids are designed to stop your toilet smelling and to make it easier to clean them out. Don 't be tempted to buy one of the strong chemical based brands.
Not only is it better not to be washing formaldehyde into the sewage system, many campsites with septic tanks don 't allow these sorts of chemicals.
Bags for Folding Camping Toilets
Better not to use a plastic bag at all, but if you must…
Many camping toilet bags have a sort of crystal-filled ‘nappy ' inside to soak up liquid. We think this is important because a plastic bag filled with sloshiness sounds like a disaster waiting to happen and isn 't pleasant for waste collectors.
Make sure the bags (or system) you buy are properly biodegradable and preferably home compostable.
Bags and Portable Urinals
There are some bags you can simply wee into without the need for a structure at all. Again, apart from one we 've found, these aren 't biodegradable plastic so are only for emergencies.
And some extras you might need
A folding toilet digger o you can leave no trace. The one that folds into a neat package. Natural air freshener that really works. With 41 essential oils. Expensive but one little spray will do the trick. Good if you 're toileting inside your tent or campervan!
If you have any questions about our products, feel free to call us at 02 888 10 333 and we will be happy to assist you.