Shipping Fees
Shipping Fees
Free Shipping
Enjoy free shipping on most of our products to the majority of areas. However, for remote areas, especially with oversized or bulky items, please be aware that shipping costs may be higher than usual.
Feel free to use our postage calculator to calculate your shipping cost. It is located right below the product highlights of every listing.
High Shipping Cost
Your location may be a remote area with limited delivery service. Some products may also require multiple people and/or special vehicles and services to transport. This may limit our courier options and may require special booking, at times, even more costly than the price of the product itself.
Feel free to use our postage calculator to calculate your shipping cost. It is located right below the product highlights of every listing.
Freight Protection
Freight Protection is an optional $15 fee to make the process of claims quicker in the event that item arrives damage. Otherwise, claim/replacement will go through the usual avenues of investigation and may take longer to be approved.
Postage Calculator
Each product listing includes a postage calculator under the product highlights that allows you to calculate the shipping cost based on your location and desired quantity before checkout.
PO Box, Post Office, Parcel Locker and Other Delivery Areas
PO Box, Post Office, Parcel Locker and Other Delivery Areas
We are unable to ship to PO Boxes, Post Offices and Parcel Lockers. To avoid dispatch delay and possible delivery issues, your physical address is required.
Restricted areas vary per courier and the lists get updated every so often.
If you have concerns regarding your delivery location, please reach out to us.
Cancel Order
Cancel Order
If your order has not been prepared for dispatch, we can still cancel the order. Once packed and prepared by our team, it will fall under our returns policy.
Please send your cancellation request so we can assist you.
Change Address
Change Address
If order has not been packed by our team for dispatch, we will update the address on our end. Otherwise, redirection will be requested to the courier which may incur fees that must be paid first before we can proceed.
Feel free to ask us if your address can be manually updated.
Track Your Order
Track Your Order
Order status definitions to be familiar with:
On Process - Your order is being processed and fulfilled by our team.
Info Received - Booking has been received and accepted by the courier.
Attempt Fail - Delivery was attempted but unsuccessful. Delivery instructions may be required.
Exception - An issue was encountered and a delivery arrangement may be needed.
Redirected - Parcel is being redirected to a different address. This is also the status if return-to-sender was requested or initiated by the courier.
Note: Please note that it takes some time before the Tracking ID is activated. Kindly allow 2 business days from the order placement date to track movement using this tracking ID.
If you have ordered multiple items from us, your items may be delivered to you in separate shipments.
I don't have a tracking number
Delivery Instructions/Arrangement
Delivery Instructions/Arrangement
There is no guaranteed time of delivery. If no one is available to receive your order, please provide us with ATL (Authority to Leave) or delivery instructions. If order is out for delivery, we can still forward your instructions but it may be too late.
Make sure your contact number with us is updated and keep your lines open if possible.
Fill out this form for any instruction or arrangement request.
Delayed Delivery
Delayed Delivery
Holidays, severe weather events and other unforeseen circumstances may delay your shipment. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) from your assigned courier might differ from the initially provided ETA.
You may contact us if you believe your parcel is unusually or significantly delayed.
Multiple Items - Incomplete Delivery
Multiple Items - Incomplete Delivery
Multiple items may be delivered separately. If you didn't receive a 2nd tracking number, you may try to track it directly on the courier's website.
The courier's website will show the number of items expected and the full tracking history. There is usually a dropdown showing the status of each item.
If there is any confusion, please send us a query.
Tracking shows delivered - didn't receive
Tracking shows delivered - didn't receive
The first 24-48 hours that tracking shows delivered is crucial for our couriers.
Kindly report it to us so we can start an immediate investigation.
International Shipment
International Shipment
As of the moment, we only ship within Australia but please keep checking back as we may open up to shipping internationally in the future.